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Low-quality GAC inline filters: Maracas filters

Inline filters GAC (Granulated Activated Carbon), many models and many manufacturers, some basics to recognise low quality filters

To recognise the quality of a filter, before even opening it and testing the filter material, a simple operation discerns its quality.

You take it in your hand and shake it; if you hear the classic noise produced by maracas, it is a clear sign that the filter is not full. This leads to two very serious phenomena

Assuming that the filter is placed horizontally, what happens is shown in the low-quality GAC line diagram

Where water is stagnant, bacterial proliferation is assured, a serious health risk for the consumer

Low quality of the filter media also impairs the quality of the water

When the Granular Charcoal does not have a constant geometry, the water flow tends to have preferential routes, reducing the filtering capacity as only part of the filter media comes into contact and at the same time areas are formed where water stagnates

This is why the average carbon granule size should be known. 30 Mesh for water that is already drinkable is a good value.

Sometimes out of curiosity opening a GAC in-line filter is useful, you can see concoctions or charcoal as it should be


